If there is one essential tool that workers performing atop a roof (let’s say) shouldn’t do without, it is a Fixed Ladder. Designed to access places that are otherwise impractical or dangerous to climb, Tri-Arc Fixed Ladders provide ease of access and most importantly, safety.
What exactly is a Tri-Arc Fixed Ladder?
It is a permanent structure. Most commercial buildings have them and many building codes require them. Despite these facts, Tri-Arc Fixed Ladders are often built as an afterthought, presumably because builders assume they are not much use once the building is completed. Nonetheless, as mentioned earlier, Tri-Arc Fixed Ladders are essential to rooftop safety. Reference OSHA regulations (1926.1053).
A Tri-Arc Fixed Ladder may also include a cage or well. A cage is a series of bars that encircle the ladder, while a well is a walled circular structure surrounding the ladder. Both serve as extra protection for the climber while the ladder is in use. #laddersafety #usamade #proudtobeusamade